Japanese🇯🇵 lives in suburb of Seattle.🏡 Mama to 2 sweet boys ❤️👦🏻👶🏻🥰 💓国際結婚、シアトル郊外在住🇺🇸 💓愛しい2人の男の子のママ

Friday, June 7, 2024

What is the “setting” of our brains? And how can you change it?


“Setting” of the brain, some people might call it a belief, other might call it a principle. But it practically is a coding of our brain, when you input x, it outputs y.

When an event occurs, we receive it with our five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell) then process though senses through our brain’s setting then it outputs thoughts and emotion. That’s how our perception of our world and lives work.

For an example, you saw someone giving a homeless person money on the street, if your brain setting is “giving money to homeless person is a kind gesture”, then your output would be a thoughts that “wow, that’s amazing he/she did that” with warm emotions. If your brain setting is “giving money to homeless person is irresponsible thing to do, because they could use that money to buy drugs which will not help them in the long term” then your output will be “I can’t believe he/she did that!” with anger, maybe little bit of judgemental emotions. The point is not which is right and wrong, but to be aware of your brain setting and being able to adjust them to “your” liking. These setting often were simply inherited from our parents or society, and a lot of people go through life thinking these “settings” are who they are.

I want you to know, it’s not. These are simple coding in our brain, that’s super easy to change, and you have all the power and ability to adjust it however you like.

Also these “settings” shapes your life. It is kind of like selective hearing, but you’ll experience life through lenses of your “settings”, so it’s definitely worth paying attention to!

On my next post, I’ll go over some of the basic things you should be aware of before changing your settings.


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