Japanese🇯🇵 lives in suburb of Seattle.🏡 Mama to 2 sweet boys ❤️👦🏻👶🏻🥰 💓国際結婚、シアトル郊外在住🇺🇸 💓愛しい2人の男の子のママ

Monday, April 20, 2020


Hello there :) My name is Satomi.

As I start this blog today, I want to introduce myself a bit first.

I was born and raised in Japan until I moved to Canada by myself for high school. After that, I moved to Seattle for University.

I moved back to Tokyo for a management consulting job fresh out of college.

I had next to no problems in my life until I got into the management consulting job.

After working there for a couple of years, I started having lots of emotional problems and health issues.

First, I thought those were due to a demanding and competitive work environment, and because I wasn't sleeping very much.

However, I learned over time, it was due to my unhealthy belief (I call them "settings" of the brain) I had about myself, what it means to be successful, and the way I looked at the world.

After I was forced to quit my job by my doctor, I started learning about myself & the toxic ideas I had about myself.

For example...
- I need to be successful to be loved by other people and myself
- I need to continue to get better
- The more value I provide to the world, the more valuable I am as a human

In this blog, I want to share the concepts and tools I learned, and continue to learn and implement into my life, and share with you my process of becoming happier, more fulfilled, relaxed self, without having to prove anything to other people or society.

I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me.

with love,


  1. Hi Satomi, clicking into your blog for the 1st time realizing is ur 1st blog. luckily to leave the 1st comment I guess. Just want to say I feel the same way, after 9 years graduated from college and working in different countries, same as you, worked in consulting firm, I feel life more success I am more toxic I got, less happy I am. Although until today I am still working but I would love to know your journey and perhaps we can share more together :) I hope you stay happy and stay healthy !!!!

    1. Btw, I'm Winnie Sze ~ met way back in Tacoma :P

    2. Hi Winnie! :)
      Yes, you are the first comment! Thank you so much for reading.
      I'll definitely share my journey here and would love to hear yours as well. <3
      You too, Winnie!


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